
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Andrew McDonald: Lockdown… To Be Or Not To Be?

Hopefully, we’re well on the way back to freedom now. Few of us will be sad to see lockdown leave us.

That said, with the Delta variant and talk of yet another wave, it’s difficult not to be gloomy.

So what can we do until we get full liberty of movement again? And is it prudent to make plans for if things don’t go as initially intended?

Forewarned is forearmed so here are a few ideas for the weeks ahead which can also serve you well when we do finally return to normal life.

1 – Take up a new hobby which you’ve long planned to start but never gotten around to.

Painting, reading and meditating are three examples of leisure activities people find great relaxation in. There are many others.

2 –  Develop a healthy exercise practice. Gyms may or may not be shut but this isn’t the only way to get fit. Running is a great way to feel better in both body and mind.

Couch to 5k apps are plentiful for smartphones. If technology isn’t your thing, a watch and a couch to 5k plan in text format are great.

3 –  Find a new radio station. Personally I listen to Classic FM a lot (cheeky hint: Classic FM’s website asks you for a postcode if you’re outside the UK, Google one, enter that and you’re in).

I find it helps me unwind. Particularly at times when I’m feeling anxious or depressed, classical music really uplifts me.

Whatever your relaxing radio station style is, you’re bound to find one which suits you (the Radio Garden app is a fun way of doing this as you can literally search the globe from Kilkenny to as far away as Tonga, Haiti and Singapore).

Failing that, the trusty old wireless is a timeless companion.

4 – Keep in touch with friends and family. This needn’t even cost a cent. WhatsApp, Skype and other apps are great for this and once you have a WiFi connection, can be used for free.

Even if you don’t have a phone which can use these suggestions, a quick call just to say hello to a loved one needn’t cost the Earth.

You’re also sure to make the people you keep in contact with feel special and help them through this difficult period too.

5 – Avoid excessive news coverage and use reliable sources. There will be a lot of scaremongering in the weeks ahead by self-proclaimed amateur experts who frankly don’t really know what they’re talking about.

Ignore them and get your updates from old reliables like RTÉ, Virgin, Newstalk etc.

Perhaps some of these ideas are useful to you. Maybe they serve as a basis to come up with your own.

The most important thing is not to resign yourself to a bad situation but to act to make it better!

SEE ALSO – You can check out all of Andrew’s columns here

The post Andrew McDonald: Lockdown… To Be Or Not To Be? appeared first on Laois Today.


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