
Thursday, June 18, 2020

BREAKING: Four new Coronavirus deaths and 16 new cases while there is a blow for sun worshipers

1,714 people have now died from Coronavirus in Ireland – an increase of four from yesterday.

Not all of these people passed away today – this is the number that were reported to the Department of Health today.

While there has been a total of 16 new cases of Coronavirus have been diagnosed in Ireland today.

This is an increase on the total cases from yesterday and takes the overall total to 25,355.

Northern Ireland, the UK and globally 

There were no new Coronavirus related death in Northern Ireland, leaving the total at 543.

There were also only one new case of Covid-19, bringing that total to 4,863.

The UK coronavirus death toll now stands at 42,288, a rise of 135 fatalities in the last 24 hours.

There are now a total 8,492,000 cases of Coronavirus globally. There have been more than 452,000 deaths while 4,450,000 have recovered.

Travel quarantine to stay 

The two-week self quarantine rule after returning from travel abroad or entering the country is to be extended.

The Irish Independent reports that this 14 day rule will be extended until July 9 – a blow for anyone hoping to go on holidays.

The move means anyone hoping to travel abroad will still be asked to self-isolate for two weeks after they return until early next month.

This would mean they would not be able to go back to work for a fortnight after they returned from their holidays.

See Full Report 

Niall Horan generosity

Singer Niall Horan has pledged €100,000 to the Health Service Executive for mobile devices for older people and staff in long-term residential care after he saw the positive effect on his own granny during cocooning due to Covid-19.

On the pledge for mobile devices, HSE CEO Paul Reid said: “I’ve been using video apps to keep in touch with my granddaughter so I know first-hand the impact Niall’s generous offer will have.

“Niall’s contribution is also special as it will be used long after we emerge from Covid-19”.

See Full Report Here

Paschal Donohoe on Wage Subsidy Scheme 

The Minister for Finance has ruled out any clawback of Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) supports from employers who subsequently lay off substantial numbers of staff.

Paschal Donohoe was responding to a Parliamentary Question from Labour’s Spokesperson Employment and Social Protection Ged Nash, who asked whether he would consider a “clawback mechanism” for employers availing of the TWSS who subsequently lay off significant numbers of employees.

“Maintenance of the employment relationship for a specific period of time is not one of the criteria for eligibility for the TWSS. I have no plans to change that position,” said the Minister.

See Full Report Here

Hospital Cases continue to fall 

The number of patients in hospital with confirmed coronavirus continues to reduce and now stands at 50.

Yesterday’s figures had 62 patients in hospitals overnight, with 71 the previous day.

There are now also 199 suspected cases waiting for a test result.

See Full Report Here

Important information 

Symptoms of Covid-19 include:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Breathing difficulties.

Further resources:

  • The HSE: Official advice on the coronavirus in Ireland. This is being updated based on the number of confirmed cases and how the virus spreads in Ireland.
  • The Department of Foreign Affairs: Official advice on where to avoid travelling to. Also a resource for those who are abroad.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO): The UN agency on global public health publishes statements and daily situation reports based on the latest data.
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC): The EU agency on the number of cases, deaths and how it’s spreading in Europe.
  • The Johns Hopkins University map: A heat map of the confirmed cases across the world.

A helpline for older people who are concerned about the coronavirus has been launched by Alone. The number is 0818 222 024, and it’s open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm.

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SEE ALSO – We want your #LoveLaois photos as the county begins to open up again

The post BREAKING: Four new Coronavirus deaths and 16 new cases while there is a blow for sun worshipers appeared first on Laois Today.


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