
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

‘Our Rural Future’ strategy has ‘huge potential for Laois’

The launch of the government’s policy document aimed at revitalising rural Ireland has been welcomed by Laois Partnership Company.

‘Our Rural Future’ is an initiative that will be part of the Government’s National Development Plan.

The plan includes a focus on attracting remote workers to rural communities; revitalising town centres, rural jobs, adventure tourism, green economy and island development central to new policy.

The rollout of broadband is said to bring new opportunities in areas like eHealth, remote learning, online trading and new technologies.

Commenting on the launch of the project, Peter O’Neill, Chairman of Laois Partnership Company said: “Local Development Companies such as ours have been pillars of Rural Development for over 30 years.

“Covid-19 and the rollout of the National Broadband plan provides an opportunity for a reimagining of the potential of Rural areas.

“The Strategy identifies the creation of ‘Local Master Plans’ to meet the long term needs of Rural areas. Local Development Companies, with our track record in Rural Development and strategic planning will be central to this process.”

Referring to the role of LEADER in the Strategy, Catherine Cowap, Acting CEO of Laois Partnership Company said: “The LEADER Programme has been identified as a key measure in this plan.

“As the providers of LEADER across the Country we welcome the continued commitment to this critical programme and call on the Government to fully support LEADER through maximising EU funding and Exchequer co-funding in the years ahead.

“LEADER can provide the required development capacity and finance needed to deliver measures identified in the strategy.

“Furthermore LDCs have been at the forefront of the emerging Smart Village concept which will be a major element of the next round of EU programming and an important element of any successful Rural Development approach.

“The role of Local Development Companies is interwoven throughout the strategy.

“As providers of employment support measures such as the Rural Social Scheme, Tús and Community Employment and the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance, as well as Outdoor Recreational and Walks measures, our LDCs will be vital partners in ensuring that the ambition of this plan is realised.

“We look forward to working positively with Government in this endeavour.”

SEE ALSO – Gardai investigating following attempted armed robbery in Laois filling station

The post ‘Our Rural Future’ strategy has ‘huge potential for Laois’ appeared first on Laois Today.


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