A local senator is leading the way in attempting to get gambling advertising banned after what he described as the saturation of gambling promotions that are now reaching people.
Describing the devastation that gambling addiction can have on people – and that as a population we’re spending as much if not more on gambling than education – Labour Senator Mark Wall is attempting to get a bill through the Seanad and then to win Government support.
The genesis of this bill started six months in conversation with family and friends, conversation surrounded sport
“The conversation around sport brought up the topic of the amount of gambling ads people were seeing around their sport,” he said on the recent LaoisToday Midweek Podcast.
“Particularly people were saying that they couldn’t enjoy sports events any more without getting a notice that they’re entitled to a free bet or ads to that effect.
“We had a number of conversations with different agencies, including the College of Psychiatry and they produced a document before Christmas calling for the banning of gambling advertising. We also engaged with a number of well-known GAA stars and they explained how gambling has adversely effected them over the years.”
Senator Wall said that it’s estimated that almost €10 billion was spent on gambling in 2019.
“We only spend somewhere in region of €9 billion a year in education but we’re probably ahead of that in gambling. It really is an immediate problem,” he added.
And he addressed how gambling can be “very secretive”.
“We have situation where one of biggest gambling companies are saying over 75% of profits come from online. That goes to show extent of the problem that we are facing.
“Our problem (is) gambling is a very secretive occupation. You may be sitting beside a person who you know well and who has a gambling addiction and they will hide that right to the last minute, until that last letter comes in and then and only then will they start seeking help.
“And that is what we are seeing more of and talking to those who help out in that area we are noticing as well.
“Since lockdown, a lot more people who are sitting at home, these gambling companies are targeting them .
“People home schooling their children there were gambling ads coming on the TVs and radios and the children – some as young as 6 – were asking their parents what was that all about.
“We are exposing our young children to gambling and that is not correct in any way, shape or form and that is why we want to get this bill through as quick as possible.
“It is so easy to bet. The Labour party are not against gambling but unfortunately statistics will tell us that one in eight people who begin to gamble will end up with an addiction. What we’re trying to do is prevent that.
“Unfortunately a growing number of people who are not able to control it and it does end up with the break up of relationships, the loss of homes, jobs and I’ve heard some horrific stories and you really feel for people.
“As legislators, that is our job up here to do something about it.”
You can listen to the interview in full below on Soundcloud, which is in the first segment, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to never miss an episode.
SEE ALSO – Laois woman gearing up to take on 40km Bristol Channel swim for four charities
The post ‘All gambling advertising needs to be banned at this stage’ appeared first on Laois Today.
source https://www.laoistoday.ie/2021/03/15/all-gambling-advertising-needs-to-be-banned-at-this-stage/
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