
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Diary of a Stuck at Home Mum: Safe cycling, car sickness and messy rooms

Steph is a Laois mammy of 3 small kids. She has started a blog to document her life as a mammy muddling through parenthood and searching for her identity in a world wider than her own four walls.

As the pandemic continues she has started a diary to describe daily life as a ‘stuck-at-home mom’.


So, today we ventured further than our back garden for the first time since lockdown hit. I wanted to bring the kids out for a “safe” cycle. We’ve been out and about on our country roads but I’m always so worried because it’s so bloody dangerous.

I figured that at least we’d have wide footpaths and the kids wouldn’t be as likely to end up under a tractor!

We stayed within the 5k restrictions, and I honestly thought that the local town would be quiet enough. But I was wrong! The footpaths were absolutely mobbed! Every family in the place were out for their constitutional!

We were all so stressed trying to avoid each other and keep our 2m distance! It was like every family was doing their own little dance! Sidestep, jump, turn and twist!

And my kids were on their bikes so we were also trying to navigate those! Not exactly the relaxing Sunday adventure I had planned, but at least they got some exercise!


The day all the bedrooms were clean – for 5 minutes. And by clean I mean hoovered and beds made – not dusted or any of that madness, coz you know, I don’t have time for that kind of perfection!!

I felt so good, elated even! I was walking around on cloud nine, until I went back into the kids’ room after having a celebratory cuppa and saw the absolute devastation that awaited me!

I seriously don’t know how they can manage to ransack a room in less than 5 minutes! Everything that I had painstakingly tidied away was once again on the floor! But at least the floor was clean underneath the toys!


So, today I woke up with a pounding headache. In my bleary state I decided a family walk was in order, to clear the cobwebs and start the day fresh and well.

What I forgot, and seem to forget all the time, is that going for a walk is never, NEVER, the answer to stress – in Fact, it is the opposite! It is the creator of stress!!

After announcing that it was family walk time the 2 girls had to ‘pack’. We were going down the road but to them it may as well have been a Himalayan hike!

They needed supplies: water, sandwiches, fruit and frubes, and the promise of an ice cream when we got home! Sun cream applied, bags on backs and water in the buggy we got out the door.

We got as far as the gate when they decided that they needed to change their clothes because it was ‘freezing’ (19°, sun splitting the rocks).

By the time we got to the neighbours house, about 20ft, they were STARVING and had to get the first snack out of the bags! So we stopped for 5 minutes to facilitate a mini picnic at the side of the road.

We ventured another 100mts or so and they now needed a water break! Honestly, we were going absolutely nowhere fast. I was so tempted to just turn around and have a picnic at home but my head was still throbbing and the 1 yr old was on the cusp of sleep!

If we could just make it to the next house he’d definitely be asleep by the time we got back! That would be one less mouth to stuff for at least an hour, and I might even squeeze in a warm, or even a hot cup of tea!

The promise of ice cream was the only thing that got us all home in one piece! My head was still pounding, but the baby was asleep!


Today’s genius idea: let’s go to homestore at bedtime. Let’s pile the kids into the car in their pj’s and they’ll all be asleep by the time we get home and we’ll have our new garden furniture set!!win win win!!

What I forgot to take into consideration was that the kids hadn’t been in the car for more than 5 minutes over the whole lockdown period!

So, literally when we arrived in Portlaoise the 5 and 3 yr old felt sick in their tummies. There were some funny noises, a few burps and gags. There was some begging and pleading from myself and himself – willing them to wait until we stopped the car!! Then, just as we pulled in, bleeuuuukkk!!

Puke everywhere!! All over the 3 yr old, all over the car seat, all over the car!! Her pj’s were completely destroyed. The car seat was another level of revolting! The commotion woke the 1 yr old and he was screaming as I was trying to clean the child and the car seat with the limited supply of baby wipes we had stashed in the boot! The stench of vomit filled the air. I could feel it on my clothes, my hair, my skin! It was absolutely repulsive.

On the plus side we did get our table and chairs, and himself impulse bought a barbeque. Then we spent the rest of the night trying to put the kids to sleep! Win, lose???


That’s it – I’m enrolling in all of the parenting classes. Seriously, today was crap. I feel like a crap mom.

They were crazy, I was crazy. There were tears (not just the kids’), there were tantrums (not just from the kids). There were threats and bargains and deals with little devils! It was just general mayhem!! I feel broken, and I’ve definitely broken my kids – but they’re well past warranty!!

And I’ve made the big threat too – they have no telly tomorrow!! The weather better improve, because I can’t face a full day stuck inside with three little terrors and no telly!!

Say a prayer to the parenting gods!!

Thanks for reading, see what else I’m up to on my blog or Facebook page! Give me an auld follow if you can!

SEE ALSO – Diary of a Stuck at Home Mum: Back to ‘home school’

The post Diary of a Stuck at Home Mum: Safe cycling, car sickness and messy rooms appeared first on Laois Today.


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