
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Meet your Candidates: Quickfire questions to conclude our series

The clock is ticking. General Election 2020 is now just 3 days away.

And here at LaoisToday, we have surveyed all of the 26 candidates who are running in Laois-Offaly and Kildare South.

We asked candidates a total of 13 questions and 18 of them responded in full.

Some of the questions were serious, others were a bit more light-hearted.

We have published every response and tonight brings our series to a close.

So far, we have asked them what the biggest issue in their constituency is, their favourite films and ideal dinner guests, pet hates and favourite TV programmes, whether social media is a good or a bad thing, their earliest political memories and what they wanted to be growing up a child, the politicians they admire most, their favourite people and would they be willing to enter coalitions.

Today we ask them some quirky quickfire questions.

The candidates that didn’t respond are listed also.


Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy (Fine Gael) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermacs
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barrys
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither
Soccer or rugby? Neither

John Daly (The National Party)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barrys
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Donald Trump
Soccer or rugby? Soocer

Charlie Flanagan (Fine Gael)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Not a big fan of either but have been seen on occasion in Supermacs.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barrys tea always tops!
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Johnson.
Soccer or rugby? Both.

Pauline Flanagan (Fianna Fáil) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Neither as I love to cook myself.  But if I did have to pick one, I would pick Supermacs.  I think Pat McDonagh is a great man – in fact, I would like him to at the dinner party as well.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Definitely Barry’s.  I had a most gorgeous nephew named Barry who sadly died in a car accident aged 21.  We drink Barry’s tea ever since.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither – but again I’d like the both of them at that dinner party!
Soccer or rugby?  Rugby – particularly if I’m with the members of Portlaoise Rugby Club – a great crowd. But the skill of soccer is great to watch and I also think that the voluntary workers in Portlaoise AFC have a great fun outlook when doing their voluntary work.

Sean Fleming (Fianna Fail)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermacs.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s Tea.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? They are both the same.
Soccer or rugby? Soccer.

Pippa Hackett (Green Party)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Neither – not a fan of fast food. Would prefer traditional fish and chips.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Either or
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Ugh…
Soccer or rugby? Rugby

Noel O’Rourke (Renua)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Neither!
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s tea.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Donald Trump.
Soccer or rugby? Rugby.

Brian Stanley (Sinn Féin) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Neither
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s Tea.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither.
Soccer or rugby? Soccer.

Noel Tuohy (Labour) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s all the way
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? NEITHER preferably
Soccer or rugby? Soccer.

Did not respond: Barry Cowen (Fianna Fail); John Leahy (Independent); Carol Nolan (Independent), Peter Ormond (Fianna Fáil); Ken Smollen (Irish Democratic Party); Stephen Tynan (People Before Profit),


Cathal Berry (Independent) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither.
Soccer or rugby? Rugby.

Linda Hayden (Social Democrats)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? McDonald’s, sorry the chips swing it.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barrys, but I don’t mind both, I travel to the UK a lot and I feel so sorry for them there, their tea is awful compared to ours.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither thank you, I think we can expect a lot more than these two from our politicians.
Soccer or rugby? Rugby every time. I’m a HUGE Leinster fan.

Martin Heydon (Fine Gael)  

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Boris
Soccer or rugby? Soccer

Ronan Maher (Green Party) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Neither
Soccer or rugby? Rugby

Fiona McLoughlin-Healy (Independent)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? I prefer Chopped, but if I had to, I would go for Irish owned, Supermac’s.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s tea
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Hobson’s Choice – equally repulsive men of privilege with no empathy for the average person.
Soccer or rugby? as a Mum of three kids who play and love rugby, soccer, and Gaelic and boxing I get the same kick out of watching them enjoy them all.

Anita Mhic Ghib (Aontu)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s, a fantastic example of an Irish company that is giving huge employment in the South Kildare Constituency.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Barry’s Tea.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? No time for either politician.
Soccer or rugby? Rugby

Fiona O’Loughlin (Fianna Fail) 

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Supermac’s.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? Herbal tea (peppermint).
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? Boris.
Soccer or rugby? Rugby.

Roisin Ui Bhroin (Solidarity-People Before Profit)

Supermac’s or McDonalds? Neither, local chipper.
Lyons or Barry’s Tea? I’ll go Barry’s.
Donald Trump or Boris Johnson? They are equally vile.
Soccer or rugby? Soccer.

Did not respond: Suzanne Doyle (Fianna Fáil); Patricia Ryan (Sinn Féin); Mark Wall (Labour)

SEE ALSO – Check out all the 2020 General Election coverage on LaoisToday

The post Meet your Candidates: Quickfire questions to conclude our series appeared first on Laois Today.


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